Boiler Scale Inhibitor

Ion Exchange Resin on Sale

Professional Manufacturer for Boiler Scale Inhibitor

Professional Manufacturer for Ion Exchange Resin

Strong Base Anion Resin

strong base cation resin strong base cation resin

Strong Bases
Strong bases dissociate 100% into the cation and OH- (hydroxide ion). The hydroxides of the Group I and Group II metals usually are considered to be strong bases.
• LiOH - lithium hydroxide
• NaOH - sodium hydroxide
• KOH - potassium hydroxide
• RbOH - rubidium hydroxide
• CsOH - cesium hydroxide
• *Ca(OH)2 - calcium hydroxide
• *Sr(OH)2 - strontium hydroxide
• *Ba(OH)2 - barium hydroxide
* These bases completely dissociate in solutions of 0.01 M or less. The other bases make solutions of 1.0 M and are 100% dissociated at that concentration. There are other strong bases than those listed, but they are not often encountered.

Type 201×2 201×4 201×7 201×7FC 201×7MB 7170 201×8 D201 D201FC
Functional Group -N+ (CH3)3 -N+ (CH3)3 -N+ (CH3)3 -N+ (CH3)3 -N+ (CH3)3 -N+ (CH3)3 -N+ (CH3)3 -N+ (CH3)3 -N+ (CH3)3
Dry-Weight Capacity (mmol/g) ≥3.8 ≥3.8 ≥3.5 ≥3.6 ≥3.6 ≥3.7 ≥3.4 ≥3.7 ≥3.7
Wet-Volume Capacity (mmol/ml) ≥0.45 ≥1.1 ≥1.3 ≥1.4 ≥1.4 ≥1.3 ≥1.4 ≥1.15 ≥1.15
Particle Size (%) (0.315-1.250mm) ≥95 ≥95 ≥95 ≥95 ≥95   0.40-0.90 ≥95 ≥95 ≥95 ≥95   0.45-1.25
Moisture Content (%) 55-65 50-60 42-48 42-48 42-48 49-55 40-46 50-60 50-60
Density (20℃) (g/ml)  1.04-1.08 1.06-1.25 1.07-1.10 1.07-1.10 1.07-1.10 1.04-1.08 1.04-1.08 1.06-1.10 1.06-1.10
Shipping Weight (g/ml) 0.65-0.75 0.66-0.71 0.66-0.73 0.67-0.73 0.67-0.73 0.66-0.68 0.67-0.75 0.66-0.73 0.66-0.73
Sphericity (%) ≥90 ≥90 ≥90 ≥90 ≥90 ≥90 ≥90 ≥90 ≥90
Swelling (%) Cl----OH- ≤30  Cl----OH-  ≤25-28 Cl----OH- ≤25 Cl----OH- ≤30 Cl----OH- ≤30 Cl----OH-  ≤30 Cl----OH- ≤30 Cl----OH- ≤20 Cl----OH- ≤20
Temperature (℃) 100 OH--60 Cl--80 OH--60   Cl--80 OH--60   Cl--80 OH--60   Cl--80 OH--60   Cl--80 80 80 80
pH range 1-14 1-14 1-14 1-14 1-14 1-14 1-14 1-14 1-14
Ionic Form Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl-
Type D201MB D202 D202SC D202FC D290 D296 D261 D280
Functional Group -N+ (CH3)3 -N+ (CH3)3 C2H4OH -N+ (CH3)3 C2H4OH -N+ (CH3)3 C2H4OH -N+ (CH3)3 -N+ (CH3)3 -N+ (CH3)3 -N+ (CH3)3
Dry-Weight Capacity (mmol/g) ≥3.7 ≥3.4 ≥3.4 ≥3.4 ≥3.0Cl- ≥3.6 Cl- ≥3.5 Cl- ≥3.0
Wet-Volume Capacity (mmol/ml) ≥1.15 ≥1.2 ≥1.2 ≥1.15 ≥0.8 Cl- ≥1.1 Cl- ≥1.1 Cl- ≥0.8
Particle Size (%) (0.315-1.250mm) ≥95   0.45-0.90 ≥95 ≥95   0.63-1.25 ≥95   0.45-1.25 ≥95 ≥95 0.4-1.2 ≥95 ≥95
Moisture Content (%) 50-60 47-57 45-60 45-60 60-70 50-60 50-60 50-60
Density (20℃) (g/ml)  1.06-1.12 1.07-1.12 1.07-1.12 1.05-1.10 1.05-1.10 1.05-1.10 1.05-1.10 1.05-1.10
Shipping Weight (g/ml) 0.66-0.73 0.68-0.73 0.68-0.73 0.68-0.73 0.65-0.70 0.65-0.75 0.65-0.75 0.65-0.76
Sphericity (%) ≥90 ≥90 ≥90 ≥90 ≥90 ≥90 ≥90 ≥90
Swelling (%) Cl----OH-  ≤20 Cl----OH-  ≤20 Cl----OH-  ≤20 Cl----OH-   ≤20 Cl----OH-   15-18 Cl----OH-  18-20 Cl----OH-  10-14 Cl----OH- 10-14
Temperature (℃) 80 ≤40 Cl--100 OH--40 Cl--100 OH--40 Cl--100 OH--40 Cl--100 OH--40 Cl--100 OH--40 Cl--100 OH--40
pH range 1-14 1-14 1-14 1-14 1-14 1-14 1-14 1-14
Ionic Form Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl-